Daily Services

First Look:

An in-depth analysis of your image. Goals discussed and recommendations made. Find out what makes you unique and the image you need to communicate who you are. Highly educational. First Look is the First Step to a more fabulous you.

Time 2.5 hrs Cost $450

*This is required for all shopping and image services

Color Clarity:

Complete color analysis of your unique skin, hair and eye tones. Includes a customized color palette of 70 of your best colors, all in a convenient case to make shopping with it a breeze.

Time: 2 sessions $450

Style Portfolio:

A digital customized online style portfolio that takes the guesswork out of which styles, shapes, fabrics and necklines are best for you. An complete in-depth analysis of your unique body proportions.

Time: Allow 1 hour for each of the 2 sessions $450

**Color and Style Package: $750 (save $200)


Find out what works for you, what doesn’t and why. Learn what pieces you need to complete your wardrobe, what to keep, alter or give away (or sell). 

Time: 2 hour minimum $250 per hour

or day rate of $1800 for 8 hrs may be use

*Cost depends on the size of your wardrobe

Wardrobe Integration:

Optional Digital Wardrobe Photos:

We professionally photograph your entire wardrobe and optimize it for your mobile devices; Wardrobe options at your fingertips. 

Time and cost TBD: varies according to size of your wardrobe

We integrate your new pieces into your existing wardrobe and show you the best ways to wear them. We can also create outfits for you and photograph them. 

Time: 2 hr minimum Hourly or package rate

Gala Prep: 

Gala Shopping:

Let us shop for your cocktail parties, formals and galas. Get coordinated and tailored from head to toe and look fabulous. 

Same rates as our shopping services.

Become your own “Pretty Woman” by letting us get you ready for your event at The Shop. Includes hair, makeup, alterations fitting, coordinating your ensemble and dressing at The Shop.

Time 3-4 hours at The Shop $500